We have had an extremely busy couple weeks, and I apologize for not having an update on here sooner! Steven has been working crazy hours and been in the field quite a bit…so by the time Thanksgiving came around, he was ready for a break! We were anxious to get to Fort Wayne to see family and spend some much needed time relaxing. We left Wednesday evening when Steven got off work and drove the 7 hours home that night. I expected there to be so much traffic the day before Thanksgiving, but we made it home in record time with no hitches!
My mom and I spent Thursday cooking like crazy and having some much needed girl time in the kitchen together…we always have so much fun! Meanwhile, Steven and my dad worked on his new “Man Room” by putting up cabinets and tiling the top for dad’s new wine area….wish I had pictures…forgot! Both of my parents have gimp wrists….mom broke hers slipping and falling on a deck at camp, landing full on her wrist, and my dad has had wrist issues forever and recently hurt it again. Anyway, they needed our help to pull together the food and lift cabinets…I think that’s the only reason why they invited us up! J just kidding, mom! We did have a great time, and we realized that this was the first time in ten years that I’ve been home for Thanksgiving! When I went away to college, we always had volleyball matches over the break, and same with my time at UK and in Georgia. It was so nice to be home!
We celebrated Thanksgiving on Friday so that most of our family would be able to come and avoid the conflicts with other family Thanksgivings. It worked out perfect! Around 10am, we went to my dad’s school and had a huge volleyball match with the family. The Quance family has some serious volleyball players, my aunt Carol and I both played in college, my cousin Brittany was a high school state champ, cousin Melissa was a great high school player, my mom and cousin Andy were/are current coaches, and my parents, brother, aunts/uncles, other cousins, have all been around the game so much that they’re all really good! We’re talking serious volleyball here…rules apply and everything! It’s really a sight to see!
We headed back to my parent’s house around noon and had dinner all ready to go! The feast was amazing, as usual, and we all ate too much! After dinner, my sister and sister in law threw me a fun baby shower. It was mostly family and close family friends, we had such a good time. Thanks so much ladies! Baby is now fully geared up and ready to rock when he comes!
We left Saturday afternoon to come home, Steven had Staff Duty on Sunday and was then in the field all week. This past weekend we got a lot of stuff done around the house, including the cradle! We put the lacquer finish on it and set it up in the nursery. It is so beautiful, and we are so thankful that mom Terry kept it and passed it down, and that mom Sue made the gorgeous bedding!
33.5 weeks
Family Picture
L to R: Anna and fiance Scott, Mom and Dad, Grandma and Grandpa Quance, Sarah and Greg, me and Steven.
Too many in the kitchen!
Delicious Desserts: I think I had a little of them all!
The dinner plate. so yummy!!
Ladies at the shower. Thanks everyone so much!
Baby got so many wonderful things this day, we are truly spoiled! These are just a couple pictures of some heirloom gifts. My mom made these bumpers/bedding for the cradle. It is so beautiful! My mom is seriously talented! Thanks Mom, we love it!
This Bible ABC book was given to us by my Grandma Dowling. It used to be my dad's book, and I have vivid memories of my grandma reading it to me as a little girl. I'm looking forward to watching our baby read it with his Great-Grandma Dowling one of these days!
Pin the diaper on the Balloon! I think Susie and I came in a close second place to my Aunt carol and Melissa.
Our Nursery. We love it so much!
Cradle Assembly Begins.
Steven putting it together.
So pretty and it matches the nursery perfectly!
Tying on the bumpers.
All Done!
It's a little cramped in there right now, but I don't think Baby will care.
Daddy to be enjoying some time in the baby's room. He is going to be such a wonderful father!
Getting the baby monitor all set up...that thing is amazing!